Art Block


Getting Over Art Block

By: Abigail Abueva

    Art block can be a difficult obstacle to get past in the art world. Many artists experience this phenomenon, and there are many causes for it occurring and ways to get over it.


    There are a few main causes for art block occurring. One is self-doubtthoughts such as, "I'm not good enough," or "I'll never get better," can lead artists to become unmotivated. I personally have had many instances where I doubt myself in the middle of an art piece. Days like those are rough, but I still kept drawing and practicing and didn't let my thoughts get the best of me.

    The fear of judgment or criticism stops many artists from completing their work. When comparing yourself to other artists, many thoughts like: "I'll never be able to draw like this artist" or "I don't want to show them because my art isn't good" can pop up in your head. 

    There have been many times where I go to Instagram for inspiration on art and I'm hit with the realization that I'm not as skilled as them. But, I learned how to get over this and use it as a stepping stool towards improvement. 

Overcoming Art Block

    It's okay to take a step back from making art. If anything, it's better to do so. Sometimes, when I make art, I'll spend multiple days on it—When you spend so much time on a piece, you won't see the errors until the next time you open it up. 

    Not everybody is at their 100%! Everybody experiences this. Don't feel guilty for experiencing this, it's frustrating but it will go away. Talking to the ones you love, changing up your workspace, or going for a walk can all help.

    Sometimes, people need to take a break to charge their creativity. Don't give up when there's an obstacle preventing you from making a piece—Use it to your advantage and come back even better.

(321 words)


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